Sunday, September 4, 2011

Hari Raya Open House @ Linda

  We all invited by Linda to have a Hari Raya feast in her home on Sat, 3rd Sept 2011. I am very happy having an opportunity to attend one of my ex-school mate's Hari Raya Open House. I were quite astonished to be served with quite a lot of good food (Especisally Delicious Roast Lamb & Satay) My apologies that I didn't snap all the glorious food with my camera.

Me and Danny, what a coincidence we bumped into each other.He used to be a personal trainer last year in True Fitness, Taipan. Photo taken by Jack Yue 

This is Linda with her "Baju Kurung"

Group photo School mates (SMKSSAAS)

House decorations 

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